
Work done at Ateliers Bacha Architects


Riviera is an architectural and interior renovation project.

The client is a family of 3 who needed to update the property from a rustic Arabian aesthetic to a Nordic contemporary home. 

Changes to the property included area expansion, redesigning the master bedroom layout, opening the living - dining - kitchen area, opening many windows and sliding doors and complete change of interior finishes and furniture layout.


Work done at Ateliers Bacha Architects 


Mabrouka is an interior renovation project.

The clients are a family of 3 who wanted to create an open cozy Mediterranean home.

Changes included tearing down walls to create an open living-kitchen-dining space, changing all interior finishes, renovating all 3 bathrooms and kitchen. Furniture layout was suggested to client.

(visualizations done by third party)

Downtown Views

(January - February 2022)

Client had an apartment in Downtown Views, Dubai where he needed a functional layout with a limited budget to create a simple, easy to maintain Airbnb property. Furniture layout and lighting fixtures, selection and procurement was done by myself from start to finish. 

Proposal for a Youth Government Building

(November 2021)

I was hired by branding agency Sukoun to provide this proposal.

Site was in a villa where the ground floor was the hub for youth to work and collaborate and upper level was office space for staff.

I provided a design for a co working space/coffee bar as well as suggestions for changing materials to achieve a brighter interior that allowed for better wayfinding.

Mediterranean Habitat 


The concept was to create a Mediterranean habitat for a small family that keeps a balance between the formal and informal living within the home to cater for guests as well as intimate family time.

Sample Boards

(Left) Living Room (Middle) Dining Room (Right) Kitchen

Living Room Visualization

Kitchen Visualization

Using Format